Steve Jobs spirit lives on in iBooks 2 for iPad


Jobs transformed the way we consume music, watch movies and use our phone, so why not the way we read textbooks? Although Jobs, is no longer with us, he certainly had at least “one more thing” cooking before his passing. Jobs was always big on education and using technology to enhance learning.  The reference in his biography where it said that he believed that the textbook publishing industry was an “$8 billion a year that was ripe for digital destruction,” was certainly a clue.


It’s Mac to School time, folks!

Well, it’s that time again when Summer is nearing an end and it’s time to get back to school, or

MactoSchoolrather Mac to School. And if you’re ready to deck out your dorm with new Apple gear, now is a great time to do it, before school starts. Now getting a jump-start to avoid the rush is certainly never a bad idea, but there are a few more good compelling reasons to act, especially up you are looking at upgrading existing equipment.


Virtual Reality Trains Next Generation Workers

Published in the June edition of The Edmontonians

By Greg Gazin
Troy Media Corporation
Terry Smith & Kevin McNulty
EDMONTON, AB, July 1, 2009/Troy Media/ — It was six years ago, over a jug, or two, of Alexander Keith’s Ale, that business partners Terry Smith and Kevin McNulty started discussing the abysmal state of training in the resources industry.

“These injuries can’t continue,” Smith said. McNulty, a safety consultant in the oil and gas sector who had spent much of his working life in the mining industry, added that the problems went beyond injuries. He was referring to the 1992 Westray Coal Mine disaster in Plymouth, Nova Scotia which resulted in the deaths of 26 miners. MORE