Looking good at 30, Happy Birthday Adobe Illustrator

Illustrator 30th Anniversary Logo

When we think back to 1987, some may remember it as the year of Black Monday, when we saw the stock market crash and seeing the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping by over 500 points and losing over 22% of its value in just one single day.  For Apple enthusiasts, we saw the unveiling of the Mac SE and the first modular and colour capable Mac, the Macintosh II. For gamers it was the year that we saw The Legend of Zelda released for the Nintendo Entertainment System. And it was 30 years ago this month, Adobe first shipped its flagship design software, Adobe Illustrator, an application that would allow designers to create and publish vector artwork, that would change the landscape of graphic design and the way we draw.
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Turning 15 Google offers up new Doodle and algorithm

Google 15

It’s hard to believe, but Google which has become a common household word and the answer to things unknown is turning 15 this week and as they often do, they’re celebrating this milestone as with many others by creating a new Google Doodle.


Happy 50th Birthday, Cassette

casettebirthday_v2-lrgIt’s hard to believe that the cassette tape is celebrating its golden anniversary this month. That’s 50 years of fast-forwarding, rewinding, starting, stopping and flipping over to play side two – if your compact cassette player didn’t have an auto reverse function. All was wonderful, until one day you would cringe at hearing the crunching sound of the magnetically encoded tape as little gremlins chewed it up in your in-dash cassette player.


Apple surpasses 1 billion podcast subscriptions


1Billion Podcasts

Apple has hit another milestone yet again. This time it’s for podcasts, surpassing 1 Billion Podcast Subscriptions.

The iTunes Podcast directory has over 250,000 podcasts in over 100 languages and available in over 155 countries.  There are also more than 8 million episodes of audio, video, enhanced audio and documents are available to listen to or download.

Podcasts are available with the Podcasts app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch or on Apple TV, Mac or PC.

To mark the milestone, iTunes, is highlighting a selection of the most popular podcasts, as well as a collection of captivating new shows.


Say the Same Thing App Store’s 50 Billionth Download


Brandon Ashmore from Mentor, Ohio, got more than he bargained for on Wednesday, when he downloaded Say the Same Thing by Space Inch, a free app from Apple’s App Store. That download was the App Store’s 50 billionth. And these are unique downloads and do not include updates or re-downloads. To commemorate this achievement, Ashmore receives a $10,000 App Store gift card.



The awesome sound of the NCredible NTunes is available at WIRELESSWAVE stores across Canada. For a limited time, they’re FREE with the activation of select handsets on the Rogers network, so come on down and check them out!

$10K App Store Card awaits 50 billionth downloader

Apple 50Billion

At the time of writing there have been over 49.58 billion downloads from the Apple App Store and a new milestone of 50 billion downloads is just around the corner. Once again, to thank their customers, Apple is offering up a US$10,000 App Store Card for the person who downloads the 50 billionth app.


App store downloads blast through 40 billion


These days, people certainly have a voracious appetite for Apple apps. They just keep downloading and downloading. In fact, downloads have just surpassed the 40 billion mark since the launch of the App Store in July 2008.