StylusFlex bendable stylus performs multiple tricks

 SFlexMainNo matter what kind of smartphone you have, I’m sure there are times where a stylus could come in handy. The challenge that usually arises – where do you keep it when not in use or put it where you won’t forget it? Enter StylusFlex, a new creation being made available on KickStarter. It’s a bendable stylus that not only cleverly attaches to your phone making it easy to carry around; it also performs other valuable duties as well.

It’s uniqueness starts with one end; it’s shaped like a standard headphone plug. This is how it stays attached to your phone. Plus, beyond being bendable, it’s totally flexible so it can wrap around your phone and you can easily slip it into your pocket without any excess bulk. It’s also long enough that it can reach any part of your screen without removing it from the jack.  Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.

Should an iPad Air be under the tree this year?


Now that the latest generation of the Apple iPad, the iPad Air is here, the question on some people’s minds, is whether or not it should be on the list for this year’s holiday season?


Apple October event product announcement wrap-up


There were a number expected announcements and a few surprises at Tuesday’s Apple event in San Francisco, but at the end of the day we saw a number of exciting new and improved products to keep the fan boys and the critics talking for a while. Meanwhile, we heard a lot of the word FREE being echoed throughout the 80-minute presentation.

Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog