Twitter “virtually” expands 140-character limit

If you’re always compressing your Twitter tweets by shortening words, eliminating others and taking out punctuation to conserve valuable space to insert a picture or poll and still have breathing room, you’ll be happy to know that Twitter is giving you a new way to exceed the 140-character limit.

Now they’ve not actually changed the standard 140-character limit but rather tweaked the rules somewhat so that not everything you include in your tweet counts towards that limit.

Some items that will not count towards the limit include: @names in replies (not new tweets), attaching photos, a video, GIFs, a poll, or Quote Tweet.  Read Full Post at CanoeTech Blog.

How to mute Mr. and Mrs. Tweet-too-Much


Your best friends have taken their first vacation in years and from the moment they left for the airport, they’ve been tweeting a mile-a-minute. You really don’t want to block or unfollow either of them, but with the flood of tweets, you are so tempted, you really are. The good news: Twitter has found a cure for that.

Twitter is just rolling out a new mute feature for its users. Muting doesn’t deep six them or sic the Tweet Police on them, it basically keeps their tweets from showing up on your timeline. It also stops you from getting SMS or push notifications from them.

Your friends are not alerted so no feelings will be hurt. In fact they won’t even know that you’ve muted, or for lack of a better term, silenced them. Also good to avoid embarrassment!

Read more… At Canoe Tech Blog

Say goodbye to TweetDeck for iOS, Android and AIR


Coming this May, you won’t be able to get any further updates to iOS, Android or Adobe AIR version of TweetDeck. This Twitter tracking tool, used to track multiple accounts and even multiple topics in real time will be removed from whichever app store they are currently in.