Malmo Plains Radon Detector Loan Program

Radon is a silent killer potentially lurking in your homes, but because its effects are not instantly fatal like from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning or smoke inhalation from fumes from a raging fire, Radon doesn’t seem to be given the attention it deserves.

Radon is everywhere. According to Health Canada, it’s a naturally occurring radioactive gas created as uranium found in soil and rock decays. Like CO, it’s odourless and tasteless. In Canada, Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, after smoking, and the number one cause of cancer in non-smokers. In fact, according to Stats Can, in studies done in 2016 & 2017, deaths from Radon induced were almost 10 times that of CO.

Now living in an established community, you might think: I don’t have a Radon problem; otherwise, I would have likely heard about it. But I was shocked to learn the Canadian Prairies has the 2nd highest levels of Radon in the world trailing Poland and after testing I discovered my home’s levels were 2 X the rate at which remediation needed to be done.

This journey resulted in a series of five articles titled The Dangers of Radon, published by Troy Media, which you might find helpful:

  1. Radon: The Silent Killer Lurking in Your Home
  2. The Myths and Misconceptions Surrounding Radon
  3. How I Discovered Radon in My Home and Mitigated It
  4. Radon is the silent killer you can’t ignore
  5. Airthings Corentium Home offers a simple solution to radon detection

Malmo Community League Gets Involved

Malmo Community League realizes that protecting your families is a top priority, so they have implemented a Loan program for this easy-to-use Airthings Corentium Radon Detector. (Click on the link for a review of the detector.)

Radon Detector How to Video:

You can find the Airthings Corentium Manual here or download the file below.

For more information contact the Malmo Plains Community League.

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