iPhone 4S pre-orders will quiet critics

ETimthumb Php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww Troymedia Com%2Fwp Content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F10%2Fiphone 4sDMONTON, AB, Oct. 11, 2011/Troy Media/ – While Apple fanboys applauded the unveiling of the iPhone 4S last week at the Apple Fall event in Cupertino, California, some critics and analysts seemed underwhelmed with the successor of the iPhone 4. They saw it as soft, safe and mundane and somewhat of a disappointment, expecting a new radically design-changed Phone 5. And if there were going to be another iPhone 4, it would be a stripped down version of the current model, possibly for the prepaid phone market… READ MORE at TROYMEDIA

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