Apple updates 3 Mac OS apps: Final Cut Pro X, Motion & Compressor

FinalCutProX102Apple announced today updates to Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor with new features for motion graphics and key enhancements to accelerate video editing, packaging and delivery.

Final Cut Pro 10.2 introduces stunning 3D titles that are easy to use, improved masking for colour grading and effects, and native support for more camera formats, as well as GPU-accelerated RED RAW processing.

Motion 5.2 extends the power of 3D titles with the ability to create custom materials and environments and instantly publish them to Final Cut Pro X. Compressor 4.2 makes it easy to package a movie for sale on the iTunes Store.

“From Hollywood blockbuster directors to first time movie makers, Final Cut Pro X is changing the way we edit movies today,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “The updated Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor make it even easier to edit, title and package everything from short videos to feature-length films.”

Pricing & Availability 

Final Cut Pro 10.2, Motion 5.2 and Compressor 4.2 are available today from the Canadian Mac App Store for $349.99, $57.99, and $57.99, respectively.  Updates are free update for existing users.

via Apple Canada.

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