IK Multimedia has announces T-RackS Stealth Limiter, a new ultra-transparent mastering peak limiter available now in the T-RackS Custom Shop. It’s a versatile secret weapon of a mixing and mastering tool, allowing producers, engineers and musicians to turn up the loudness of a mix while still maintaining a clean sound with plenty of dynamic range and sonic breathing room.
IK T-RackS Stealth Limiter allows you to crank up the volume
August 4, 2015 by · Leave a Comment
T-RackS Stealth Limiter offers easy to use controls and intuitive features that make using it a quick and easy process. Its input knob can be used to set the desired loudness, and its output ceiling knob can be used to adjust the output level. And, for more advanced uses, it comes with 4 different modes of operation for fine-tuning. It retails for $124.99 U.S. and is available through the IK Online Store and T-RackS Custom Shop.
To hear audio comparisons, check out www.ikmultimedia.com/trstealthlimiter. You can also get a free version to try: www.ikmultimedia.com/products/trcs/
via IK Multimedia
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