If you’re been looking for a reason to buy that piece of software, here one plus 8 more.
BundleHunt’s Spring Bundle, the ultimate app Collection includes $69o worth of software for your Mac for only $49.99. I know that I have been thinking of getting into Camtasia for Mac which runs just under $100, so picking up the bundle for half of that already helps it pay for itself.
It’s on for a limited time as the offer expires May 10, 2013. Visit the Spring Bundle Hunt Website
Camtasia - Screen Recording and Editting
Toolbox for Pages - Collection of templates and illustrations Internet Security - Virus Barrier & Nwet Barrier 2012 TextSoap 7 for people that work with text Logo Design Studio - Logo design software Concealer - Hide and secure files, folders and more DiskAid - iPhone, iPad and iPod Music file transfer Train SimpleCourses - Get certified Adobe Training Sketcher - Hand-made drawings and colourful oil paintings
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