If the thought of getting your latest Amazon or on-line purchase delivered by a drone particularly large heavy ones makes you feel uneasy, how about greeting at your door a robot that just arrived in a self-driven car? Testing autonomous delivery is not new. Back in 2017, Ford partnered with Domino’s in the U.S. to test-drive the self-driving pizza delivery experience. Previously, they’ve also partnered with Walmart, Postmates, a food delivery company and other businesses in the Miami, Florida area. [Read more…]
Delivery Options: Drone or Driverless Vehicle with Robot?
Ford smart crib mimics the movements of your car
Two weeks ago, if I heard about the Ford Motor Company rolling out an at-home smart crib that lulls your newborn to sleep by simply mimicking the movement of your automobile, I would’ve immediately thought – here comes another April Fool’s joke. But I guess the joke is on me; it’s called Max Motor Dreams, and it’s real.
Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.
2017 Ford Escape features remote windshield wiper de-icer
A solution to permanently frozen wiper-blades to your car’s windshield in the depths of winter may not be the sole reason to buy a new vehicle but might certainly pique your attention especially if you are in the market for some wheels – particularly a new SUV. If that is the case, you might be interested to know the 2017 Ford Escape will be the first Ford SUV in Canada with a standard windshield wiper de-icer. Read more…at CanoeTech Blog.
The ultimate mobile device for $9,995
What sparks into mind when you read the headline? Another diamond encrusted or gold iPhone designed for those with a significant amount of disposable income? Well, this “ultimate mobile device” does come with 4G LTE – and with four wheels. Not it’s not a smartphone, but rather the all-new 2016 GM Chevy Spark.
The new wheels rolled out last month under a shroud of secrecy. As a Gadget Guy, admittedly it piqued my curiosity as nothing was pre-announced except for a picture of a box and the invitation to see the “unboxing” of the ultimate mobile device.
“The ultimate mobile device plays on the fact it has tech features just like a cell phone, but it is still a car and gets you places,” says Jamie Dewhurst, Assistant Brand Manager for Chevrolet. Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.
Coffee car grinds up Guinness world speed record
I’ve had coffee that’s been referred to as “premium” and “super-hi-test”, but this is nothing like that. A car powered on coffee, the same fuel that powers us up every morning, has recently broken a world land-speed record for a car running on organic waste, by cruising at an average speed of 66.5MPH (107 km/h), crushing the old record of 47MPH (75.6 km/h), previously set by a US car.
Read more… AT Canoe Tech Blog!
Renting a Car? Please! RTFM: Read the fine manual
With no direct flights from Edmonton to Salt Lake City and not willing to spend half a day in airports or 36 hours to get there via Aeroplan, we decided it might be fun and easier on my back to rent a full-sized new car and take a little adventure. Jenn and Jenna at Hertz Edmonton fixed us up with a super deal on a 2010 Chevrolet Impala LT that not only offered us unlimited mileage, but also easily allowed us to cross the border into the US. READ FULL POST AT CANOE TECH