I’m an old-school audiophile so call me sentimental, but I’m also a Gadget Guy. So when I see retro technology combined with today’s innovations I get pretty excited. This time, it comes from long-time audio products manufacturer Pyle USA. Today, they unveiled a brand-new turntable that almost makes a vinyl record stand up on its end. It’s called the Bluetooth Vertical Turntable, a new gadget that plays vinyl records positioned vertically and wirelessly streams music from almost any Bluetooth enabled device. Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.
Modular Pro-Ject Genie turntable pure genius
It was Mark Twain who said his reported death had been greatly exaggerated. This can easily be extended to the record player or more specifically, the turntable. Even with CDs, iPods, digital downloads and now streaming being the choice for music listeners, the turntable, an icon from the last millennium had never really died it just wasn’t top of mind. In fact if you look at the RPM 1.3 Genie by Pro-Ject, it has come back into the limelight with a vengeance.
Now true die-hard audiophiles have always believed that digital sound just does not feel the same as the true analog sound produced through playing vinyl. Whether you’re a student of that school or not, there’s no doubt that sound quality can be affected by the quality and condition of the vinyl, the stylus and cartridge and how well it sits within the groove walls of the vinyl record. The last part of that equation is how everything is further impacted by the turntable platter; where the record sits; how evenly and smooth it rotates and how that’s affected by any rumble, vibration or noise caused by the turntable’s motor. Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.