5 years of the Apple App Store

Apple 5Apple is celebrating the 5th anniversary of its App Store and to commemorate this auspicious occasion, they are giving away 10 paid products, not normally free, which include 5 apps and 5 games, but only for a limited time.

And these are decent titles, to boot They  include: Barefoot World Atlas, Day One Journal, How to Cook Everything, Over and Traktor DJ for iPhone (and for iPad). Games include: Badland, Infinity Blade II, Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery, Tiny Wings and Where’s My Water?

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 5 years already. Apple launched the App Store on July 10, 2008 with 500 apps and it was an immediate success with 10,000 million apps downloaded in its first weekend. In 5 years, the App Store has gone from its initial 500 apps to more than over 900,000 to date and a billion is just around the corner. In May 2013, the number of App Store downloads reached a new milestone surpassing the 50 billion mark.

Developers have also profited from creating Apps to the tune of $10 billion US, which Apple has paid to them to date.

Visit your iTunes store to get the low-down on the free apps and a look at some of the milestoes Apple has reached in only 5 short years.  Limited time only!!!!

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