Square to Sunset Square Reader for Magstripe

When the Square Reader for Magstripe hit the market in Canada just over a decade ago, it was a game changer for small businesses to accept credit card payments. Fast forward to 2019 and we were excited to announce our favourite little payment processor Square was able to accept credit and debit card payments wirelessly. Since then the technology has taken a leap, industry regulations have changed and the market has moving away from the tried and true magstripe. It’s now focusing on more secure chip and pin technology and contactless transactions. To that end, Square has announced that their flagship Square Reader for Magstripe will be discontinued officially in Canada on October 13, 2022.

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Celebrating Milestones Forward Can Yield Amazing Results 

Milestones – whether business, community or personal are achieved and celebrated all the time. They’re also recognized in a variety of different ways. However, if you really look at many of these celebrations, I thought, they’re often backward looking – i.e., going back to where things started to where they are now.


Then, I had an epiphany. What if you commemorated by purposefully celebrating forward? What if you used that milestone as a way of encouraging a future activity?

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Making Freaking Meetings Fun & Productive – Podcast

Many people avoid meetings at all costs – they feel they’re unproductive, a waste of time and simply a bandaid for bad communication in an organization. In this episode Greg speaks with return guest Matt Abrahams, educator and coach whose extensive exploration, research and experience has led him to discover a collaborative approach to keep meetings fun and exciting. More importantly they be can productive in achieving the goals of the organization and add value to the teams. And you might even be thanked for running a meeting.

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With Square, you too can accept wireless debit and credit card payments

Square Wireless Contactless (Tap) & Chip card reader

Square Reader. We’ve all seen it, or heard about it. You may have even made a purchase or saw someone swiping their credit card through a little white square dongle attached to a smartphone.

Step into a small cafe or market or stroll down any art walk promenade and you’ll probably see the iconic logo, “Square Accepted Here.” 

But have you ever thought, “I can use that?”

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Enhanced SYNC 3 Infotainment system featured in 2020 Ford Explorer

2020 Ford Explorer with All-New SYNC 3*

Newest customer centric update developed in-house with major contributions by Ford’s Canadian software teams.

A secure, functional, seamless and enjoyable customer experience with in-car infotainment on an on-going basis is not only nice to have, it’s an absolute necessity given the advancement in today’s technology and the need to keep people safe on the road. This is why Ford has taken charge to deliver the best in-class user experience with the latest version of SYNC 3 featured in the soon to be released 2020 Ford Explorer.

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Delivery Options: Drone or Driverless Vehicle with Robot?

If the thought of getting your latest Amazon or on-line purchase delivered by a drone particularly large heavy ones makes you feel uneasy, how about greeting at your door a robot that just arrived in a self-driven car? Testing autonomous delivery is not new. Back in 2017, Ford partnered with Domino’s in the U.S. to test-drive the self-driving pizza delivery experience. Previously, they’ve also partnered with Walmart, Postmates, a food delivery company and other businesses in the Miami, Florida area. [Read more…]

Tech companies grab top 6 of 10 most influential brands in Canada

33114020During FFWD: Advertising and Marketing Week 2017 in Toronto, ICA (Institute of Communication Agencies) in partnership with Ipsos unveiled the Top 10 Most Influential Brands in Canada based on a comprehensive study measuring and ranking today’s brands in Canada and the world. The study, now in its 6th year was conducted in 19 countries and evaluates over 100 brands that spend the most on advertising in Canada, and ranks their influence.

“Our study measures and ranks today’s most influential brands, why they are leading, which generations they influence most, how they impact us and what makes them influential,” explained Steve Levy, COO Ipsos.

Interestingly enough the study shows that the Top 10 brands list has been quite stable. The current list has six tech-focused companies that also happen to be the top six. Read more… at Canoe Tech Blog.

Keep your “ahs” for your doctor or dentist

EDMONTON, AB, March 6, 2016/ Troy Media/ – Have you ever found yourself in a meeting, presenting to a client or been on the phone when all of a sudden you’re lost for words or not sure what to say?

We fear silence as being unnatural. Our natural tendency is to avoid dead air or empty space at all costs, so we fill it with crutch words, like “ah”, “um” and “err”. We’ll sometimes repeat words like “Iike-Iike-like”, and “and-and-and’ as we nervously grasp for the next thing to say. Sound familiar?

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Merchandising during tour just ducky with country star Paul Brandt

brandtAndDuckThe most popular sale item on Paul Brandt’s music tours is a rubber duck

EDMONTON, AB Sep 1, 2015/ Troy Media/ – Merchandise is as much a part of the concert tour experience as the music for many fans. It’s also a much needed revenue generator for many performers.

When I asked platinum-selling country star Paul Brandt what the most popular sale item was on his tours, he hesitated for a moment, then let out a big “Ha,” and laughed. “I don’t know if I should be embarrassed to admit this or not, but I guess the fans have spoken. Bar none, over the last 20 years, it’s been a little rubber duck.”

While my mind turned immediately to my youth and Ernie’s Rubber Duckie from Sesame Street, it turns out Brandt was referring to C.W. McCall’s novelty trucking classic Convoy,from way back in the mid 70’s. I should have guessed immediately, having owned that classic 45-RPM record that encouraged me to get my first CB Radio.  Read full article at Troy Media.

Virtual ticket to Toastmasters International convention marketing genius

ondemand_productdetail-virtualticket_062615_bmThe next best thing to being there

EDMONTON, AB Aug 12, 2015/ Troy Media/ – Toastmasters International’s mission is a simple one: to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. But while this 90 year-old worldwide organization values and encourages face-to-face interaction, it isn’t always possible for its members to attend one of its annual conventions.

To overcome that obstacle, Toastmasters has created a virtual ticket for their 84th annual premiere event, The Toastmasters International Convention, being held from Aug. 12 to 15 at Caesar’s Palace and Casino in Las Vegas.   READ FULL ARTICLE at Troy Media and listen to the Podcast at: Toastcaster.