Celebrating Milestones Forward Can Yield Amazing Results 

Milestones – whether business, community or personal are achieved and celebrated all the time. They’re also recognized in a variety of different ways. However, if you really look at many of these celebrations, I thought, they’re often backward looking – i.e., going back to where things started to where they are now.


Then, I had an epiphany. What if you commemorated by purposefully celebrating forward? What if you used that milestone as a way of encouraging a future activity?

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Celebrate International Podcast Day September 30, 2017


Hardly a day goes by where we don’t hear about yet another new podcast. In fact there are tens of thousands of them around the world and on every conceivable topic. While many have thought it was just a fad in that video would totally annihilate the traditional podcast (there are also video podcasts) nothing can be further from the truth. In fact September 30 is International Podcast Day, a day of celebrating the power of podcasts. Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.