Archives for June 2014

Tetris Turns 30

Tetris 30 Logo

1984 is best known for the name of George Orwell’s 1948 book that paints a bleak look at the future and the year that saw the release of the original Macintosh, where we saw “why 1984 won’t be like 1984“. But it was also on this day exactly 30 years ago today that Tetris was unveiled to the world.

Tetris is a highly addictive game, where “falling” shaped pieces or “Tetriminos” as they are called have to be arranged into rectangular shapes to create, in real time, a line, as they float down the screen.

Read full story, see video and poll at Canoe Tech Blog

Apple WWDC Keynote highlight recap

Apple WWDC 2014 25

Another Apple WWDC (Worldwide Developer Conference) keynote has come and gone. While most of the rumour mills were shut down (i.e. there were absolutely no new hardware announcements), there was certainly enough fuel coming out of the Mac OS and the Apple iOS updates to fill up the two-hour live stream and then some.

Read more…at CANOE Tech BLOG