Every year at this time, people rush out to costume shops, arts and craft stores or rummage through the house for bits and pieces and ready themselves to hit the streets for Halloween. Whether it’s the kids going door to door for trick or treat or maybe a company or local party, a dress-up for school or work, lots of time effort and sometimes even money are put in to dressing up as the imaginary person or thing you want to be.
We see all sorts of costumes; they’ve certainly come a long way from the simple ghost and goblin type to the much-admired super-hero or often-despised villain outfits. And today, they’ve become even more sophisticated, some high-tech and often more expensive. My best recollection of Halloween and probably my most memorable October 31st was probably when I was five years old and my parents bought me my very first superhero costume – the original Adam West style Batman outfit. Read more…AT CANOE TECH BLOG
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