Albert Clock makes you think to know the time

Albert Clock Hold

A clock is something that’s used to tell you the time and perhaps wake you up in the morning, but MNTNT, a little humble Paris design studio had the idea that it could be more than that. In addition to simply providing information, it could also be a “digital object” that keeps your mind active and at the same time improve the mathematical skills of kids and grownups alike. And thus, Albert or more specifically, the Albert Clock was conceived.

Named after Albert Einstein, the idea behind the innovation is that instead of just giving you the hour and minute of the day, you’d be faced with a math problem to solve and the results would be in hours and minutes respectively. So to know that it’s 8:30, you’ll have to do a little calculation; 18-10 = 8 and 26+4 = 30. Made you think, didn’t it? To keep it more fun, interesting and challenging, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be set to four different levels of difficulty.  READ Full Post at CanoeTech Blog

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