Misfit puts a new Shine on fitness bling


It’s no secret that wearables are becoming a pretty big thing but when I hear the term “activity tracking jewelry” it really makes me wonder.  I guess keeping fit and looking sharp now go hand-in-hand as Misfit, the makers of the Shine fitness and sleep activity tracker have unveiled, just in time for the holiday season, the Swarovski Shine Collection.

The Misfit Shine has been around for a couple of years. It’s a slim fitness activity monitor that can pair with an Android, iOS or Windows app to help track your typical everyday activities like running, walking and even sleeping. Its claim to fame is both its slimness and its lack of buttons, dials and connectors. Shine uses a tap method to communicate with your wireless device using its own proprietary algorithm – which was recently redesigned to improve tap sensitivity. Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog

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