Are you finding that you seem to be forever living behind your keyboard and more often than not a painful experience? If so, you might want to give the Truly Ergonomic Cleave Keyboard a try. While the name best describes it, it’s designed to allow you to maximize your typing experience with less fatigue and strain on your hands and also body posture.
[Read more…]Last Minute Wow Gifts for the Holiday Season
Items from places like AcousticSheep, Truly Ergonomic, Cyber Acoustics & Moen make for great gift ideas
If you’re still scrambling trying to find just that right particular gift for this holiday season, here’s a few practical, innovative and extremely useful few gift ideas with a little wow-factor.
If your loved one likes to listen to his or her favourite tunes or podcasts while drifting off to sleep and standard earbuds are just not practical, SleepPhones by AcousticSheep may be the solution.
This bed-friendly gadget from a cleverly named company are literally headphones in a headband. Nestled between the layers of comfortably fitting fabric is an easily accessible and removable tiny rechargeable wireless Bluetooth module connected to a pair of flat speakers.
[Read more…]Snoop Dogg Limited Edition Headset

If you’re a Snoop Dogg fan and a gamer or just starting to shop for the ultimate holiday season gift, you might want to feast your eyes on the upcoming LS50X Snoop Dogg Limited-Edition headset by LucidSound.
[Read more…]Play Hauler: Aisles of Glory to earn PC Optimum Points
You won’t find this game in any App Store nor will you earn free 500 PC Optimum points anywhere else every day if you practise your hauling skills and play No Frills’ Hauler: Aisles of Glory.
This web-based game truly has no frills, and that’s the idea. In fact it has no fancy animations, high-definition video nor 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound. What you get is a 1980s 8-bit 2D arcade style single player side-scrolling game. But that’s the clever idea behind the grocery chain’s latest marketing campaign. It’s designed for haulers, which they describe “as someone who gets a lot, for less and totally takes pride in the experience.”
“Every major sport has a video game franchise, so why should hauling be any different?” says Uwe Stueckmann, Senior Vice President, Marketing, Loblaw Companies. “The best haulers aren’t born – they’re made. This game is designed to let them practice before they head to No Frills for an epic haul.”
Accessible packaging makes life easier for gamers with disabilities
It’s always great to hear when a new accessible product hits the market giving greater opportunities to those who perhaps have limited mobility. However, what’s often forgotten is the packaging. The product arrives at the doorstep but might be unusable to some until someone can help them get it out of the package. Microsoft realized this and recently unveiled accessible packaging appropriate for the new and upcoming Xbox Adaptive Controller. – Gaming device designed to accommodate gamers with mobility challenges. [Read more…]
Tech gifts to lighten, brighten and colour your life
Still searching for just the right tech gifts for Christmas? Here are a few bright, colourful ideas that might make the last-minute rush a little easier
Still searching for just the right tech gifts for Christmas? Here are a few bright, colourful ideas that might make the last-minute rush a little easier. [Read more…]
Review: TP-Link Archer Wireless C5400 Tri-Band router
You can never get enough bandwidth or speed out of your Wi-Fi and chances are that the stock unit that came from your service provider likely does the job, but barely, so we’re going to have a look at the TP-Link Archer Wireless C5400 Tri-Band Gigabit Router (AC5400) that doesn’t have one or two bands, but three. [Read more…]
It’s NOT all been done before – Holiday Tech 2017
When it comes to gadgets, for me, sometimes Barenaked Ladies’ songs come to mind. Not, necessarily, If I Had $1,000,000, but rather the words of former band member Steven Page, It’s All Been Done (Before). But much to my delight with the scores of trade fair vendors at LDTECH 2017 – London Drugs Retail Tech Group Annual Conference, I did not walk away disappointed – in fact, it was the opposite! [Read more…]
MTN Dew and Doritos giving away an Xbox One X every hour
While there’s a lot of hype going around about the upcoming November 7th launch of the much-anticipated Xbox One X, there’s also a contest that will allow Canadians to win one of over 1,000 units up for grabs. All this, courtesy of Mountain Dew and Doritos who have teamed up and will give you a chance to ‘Win Every Hour.” And if you are in Toronto there’s another Xbox One giveaway happening. [Read more…]