QR77 caught wind of my Troy Media article on Apple iMessage being a wake-up call for BlackBerry and asked me to chime in on The Rob Breakenridge show on Friday Evening, June 10th at 10:30PM. You can listen to the podcast here: It will likely only be there for a week or two. http://emedia.qr77.com/Podcasts/1022/robbreakenridgepodcastjune10-4.mp3
Greg talks about BlackBerry vs iPhone on QR77, 630CHED
CASA forces local Mac society name change
Edmonton – With the threat of legal action from the Coalition Against Substance Abuse (CASA), The Mac Owners and Users Society of Edmonton (MOUSE) is being coerced into a name change. The small, humble society never thought it would be a pawn in a political battle brought on by a disgruntled society member.
iPad 2 Vigil 2011, Southgate Centre Edmonton
People, it seems, have gone gaga over the Apple iPad. When Apple CEO Steve Jobs first brought it into this world, there was a line-up for that. And when it finally hit the Canadian market on May 28, 2010, there was a line-up for that, too!Read more… AT CANOE TECH BLOG
Searching for HP’s next TOP CEO
With the sudden departure of HP’s CEO Mark Hurd, I thought, why not create a new reality show called Searching for HP’s Next Top CEO. The rules will be simple, there will be none or you can create your own .
Hands Free Insanity hits Canada
Today Manitoba becomes the 8th province in Canada to pass legislation banning a driver’s use of hand-held cell-phones ( that includes texting devices), after PEI, Saskatchewan and British Columbia came on board earlier this year.(more…)