iStabilizer Shutter Remote snaps pics videos and more

1Shutter-RemoteiOS_1024x1024Long before the term was popularized but now abuse, people struggled to find the way to get that perfect “Selfie”. While there have been hardware and app solutions to solve that ultimate puzzle, the Shutter Remote by iStabilizer has come along to give you that wireless proverbial extra long arm that you need, plus more.

Shutter Remote is a pocket sized remote that that not only gives you a wireless Bluetooth remote shutter button, but also a media controller for your music and video, a remote iOS Home/Siri controller and a wireless presenter, good for a range of up to 3 m.

It’s a little thicker, wider and shorter than the Apple Remote, but it still very comfortable to hold and with a lot more functionality. It runs off 2 x CR2025 batteries (large coins cells), so it’s not rechargeable, but the company says they should last up to six months if you use it for about an hour a day.

Its thickness allows for a conveniently located on/off switch on the left side and pairing button on the right. It has a familiar circular media controller, with the “+” (Volume Up) button (or Volume down – not documented), acting as your shutter release for your perfect Selfie.  READ FULL REVIEW at G4TV Canada.


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