Did I just miss a call from myself?

CallerIdSpoofingIf I told you that I just missed the call from myself, you’d likely think either I had started Canada Day celebrations just a little bit early or I was totally losing it. But it’s true. My phone rang and my caller ID had my own number on it. However, it wasn’t me or my voicemail calling, it’s just another way that telemarketers and phone scam artists are trying to get you to pick up your phone.

I have to admit, it took me by surprise. I’ve become wise to the “unknown name unknown number”, “private caller” and the mysterious 1-800 or 1-888 numbers and even repeated calls that originated from my local area code. But when I got a call from my own number it caught me little off guard.

Wouldn’t you be curious enough to pick up the phone call coming from your own number?  READ MORE at CanoeTech Blog.


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