RHA T20i DualCoil earbuds with interchangeable tuning filters – Review

t20-3_2While we’re seeing more wireless earbuds and headphones hit the market, one company, UK-based RHA (Reid Heath Audio) has taken a different direction. Rather than cutting the cord, it’s upping the ante focusing on high definition sound and noise reduction and introducing the RHA T20i DualCoil In-Ear Headphone with interchangeable tuning filters.

Their latest iteration brings along a few of RHA’s signature features, but its latest offering is more than a step up from the T10i and the MA-750i earbuds, the latter we looked at previously here at Canoe Tech Blog.

Starting with the buds themselves, first of all they look pretty cool. They feature injection moulded stainless-steel housings, like the 750i but rather than shaped like a traditional earplug, they resemble in-ear monitors or dare I say, metal hearing aids and give a more natural fit to the contours of the ear.

Read more…Full Review at Canoe Tech Blog.

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