After being alerted to so many failed attempts for scoundrels to hack into my WordPress website, I thought it was high time I limit the number of attempts that can come from a particular IP address. I used a a plug-in that allowed me to configure a secondary authentication with limited log in attempts for added for an added level of security. So when I attempt to log in to my site to create a new post, it sent me a 6-digit code to enter in order to login.
The other day for some unknown reason, it wouldn’t accept the code I had just been sent. After a few attempts I was locked out of my site for 15 mins. I tried again and again and the codes stopped coming.
Being annoyed I decided to surf the web for a solution. I found a helpful YouTube video by Ann Phan. It was a little blurry, instead of a video screen capture, the creator attempted to shoot the video directly from a camera or a phone pointed at her laptop screen under less than ideal conditions. Nevertheless, I was able to make out what she was saying, tried what she had recommended and it worked!
Thank You Ann!
I couldn’t believe the solution was so simple – yet effective. Basically all one needs to do is:
1) Log in to your cPanel – if this is what you use, access the file manager
2) Navigate to your Public.html folder, then to your WordPress content folder then plugins folder. Find the plugin culprit and delete it and refresh your page. If necessary, you can restore it, or alternately reload or reinstall it.
Further investigation led me to WPDeveloper.Net, where I learned that if you get locked out by Limit Login Attempt plugin is to set your login directly by utilizing MySQL queries. Subsequently you will need to set a new password for your site to secure it.
Greg Gazin, also known as the Gadget Guy and Gadget Greg, is a syndicated veteran tech columnist, communication, leadership and technology speaker, facilitator at Crestcom International, blogger, podcaster and author. Reach him @gadgetgreg or at
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