After being alerted to so many failed attempts for scoundrels to hack into my WordPress website, I thought it was high time I limit the number of attempts that can come from a particular IP address. I used a a plug-in that allowed me to configure a secondary authentication with limited log in attempts for added for an added level of security. So when I attempt to log in to my site to create a new post, it sent me a 6-digit code to enter in order to login.
[Read more…]Extremely glad Belkin WeMo LED bulbs don’t work as advertised
When we buy a product that doesn’t work as advertised, we usually get annoyed. Either it doesn’t live up to its expectations or its specifications. But in the case of the Belkin WEMO LED light bulb, I accidentally discovered it exceeded both of these in a less than ideal operating environment. Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.
Free wake-up service fit for the Queen
Not everyone has a cellphone, a computer or even an alarm clock, so when our long-retired Aunt called to find a wake-up call service for 2:55AM MDT to watch the Queen’s 90th Birthday celebration, she mentioned that she had heard there was an on-line service that could do the job. I too thought there must be one or even an app for that.
No Time to Lose
With less than six-hours of available shut-eye for dear old Aunt, I quickly started a little digging and noticed there were a number of services. Some ask you to set up an account; others offered a one-time free call, a few more freebies if you signed in and of course a charge behind that. Read Full Post at Canoe Tech Blog.
Goldgenie 24k gold iPhone 6s is no monkey business
How would you like to celebrate the Year of the Monkey in the ultimate style? You can, if you have deep enough pockets and get yourself or that special someone, a special and extremely Limited Edition Goldgenie ”Year of the Monkey” 24k Gold iPhone 6s Elite.
Goldgenie has unveiled this special iPhone 6s to celebrate what they call one of the luckiest years in the Chinese Zodiac.
They are also limiting edition of this exclusive iPhone 6s to only 99 units. In addition to the 24 karat gold coating, the edition number, (out of 99) will be laser etched onto the surface along with a laser engraved special commemorative monkey symbol to commemorate the special occasion.
Over one third of software developers would marry a robot
I realize that today is April Fools’ Day but realizing how far and how quick technology has progressed and hearing the fears of respectable tech leaders like Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Steve Wozniak about the rise of intelligent robots and enhanced Artificial Intelligence (AI), it really starts you thinking not just about what is truly possible, but when it might actually happen.
But not everyone thinks it’s totally a bad thing. In a recent ad hoc poll done by Evans Data Corp., 72% of software developers believed that artificial intelligence is beneficial to mankind. Furthermore, 35% said that they would consider marrying a humanoid robot. Read Full Post and take survey at CanoeTech Blog
Office Holiday video remix not your father’s Jingle Bells
Last year at this time, Toronto-based digital health agency Klick Health entertained us with their holiday video – Bring Your Pet to Work Day. This year, they’ve decided to come out with something a little more wild but more in tune with the yuletide festive season appropriately titled Epic Office Holiday Remix.
And to make sure the video really rocked, they called none other than You Tube sensation and fellow Canadian Andrew Huang, whose videos have been viewed over 25 million times, to produce the video. Huang is known for producing unconventional music videos, including covers of the Breaking Bad theme using meth lab equipment and 99 Red Balloons using, what else, red balloons. [Read more…]
Tagsu new digital “wondertag” started as a joke
Whenever you go to a conference or convention, you usually get a badge or nametag at the registration desk. So how about an electronic one? Introducing Tagsu, the programmable pocket-sized digital #wondertag that offers a 32 character message on up to 42 different screens.
Tagsu originally started as a joke – something designed for friends and other developers but the Finland-based creators soon found out that there was actually a customer demand for it. Beyond just delivering information they also discovered it to be quite an attention grabber and conversation starter. Anyone who was wearing one seemed to be quickly approached by others (and that’s good for business). And with little effort, they quickly sold over 400 simply by word of mouth.
Currently, Tagsu is hand-made so of course the cost of production is really high, so they are looking at getting them mass-produced and thus just launched an Indiegogo campaign. The goal is to raise $20K US by Jan 4th 2015 to start mass production and fulfill orders they already have plus those orders generated by the campaign. Read more… at CANOE TECH BLOG
Happy 50th Birthday, Cassette
It’s hard to believe that the cassette tape is celebrating its golden anniversary this month. That’s 50 years of fast-forwarding, rewinding, starting, stopping and flipping over to play side two – if your compact cassette player didn’t have an auto reverse function. All was wonderful, until one day you would cringe at hearing the crunching sound of the magnetically encoded tape as little gremlins chewed it up in your in-dash cassette player.