I’m an old-school audiophile so call me sentimental, but I’m also a Gadget Guy. So when I see retro technology combined with today’s innovations I get pretty excited. This time, it comes from long-time audio products manufacturer Pyle USA. Today, they unveiled a brand-new turntable that almost makes a vinyl record stand up on its end. It’s called the Bluetooth Vertical Turntable, a new gadget that plays vinyl records positioned vertically and wirelessly streams music from almost any Bluetooth enabled device. Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.
Happy 50th Birthday, Cassette
It’s hard to believe that the cassette tape is celebrating its golden anniversary this month. That’s 50 years of fast-forwarding, rewinding, starting, stopping and flipping over to play side two – if your compact cassette player didn’t have an auto reverse function. All was wonderful, until one day you would cringe at hearing the crunching sound of the magnetically encoded tape as little gremlins chewed it up in your in-dash cassette player.