Podcasting 101: Hosting & Interview Techniques – Replay

When I first started podcasting 15 years ago, the most frequently asked question was, ‘What’s a Podcast?” Five years ago, It was, “Why are you doing podcasts? It’s going the way of the radio, video is where it’s at. Today I’m often asked, “What are the benefits of podcasting?” And “How can I get involved? How do I get started?”

[Read more…]

Netflix Sharing to Instagram Stories for iOS Now Available

If you’re like most people you likely find it’s just as much fun to share your favourite must-see Netflix titles with family and friends as it is to watch them. Now if you’re an Instagram Stories fanatic (I’m not there yet), you may be interested to know that via the latest version iPhone Netflix app, released just last week now supports Instagram Story sharing.

According to Netflix, to do so simply…

      • Navigate to any title on the iPhone Netflix app and tap share.
      • Select “Instagram Stories” from a list of apps, and be taken directly to Instagram Stories where they can have some fun with the title’s background art and text sticker.
      • When ready, they’re able to post directly to their stories or send directly to one or more friends’ DMs.
      • Friends and followers can click on the link in the Instagram Story to view the title on the Netflix iPhone app.

    The app had previously supported sharing to other platforms like What’s App, Messenger, Twitter and others.

No more YouTube autoshare to Google+ and Twitter after Jan 31st 2019




If you are a regular poster on YouTube and rely on YouTube’s autosharing feature to tweet out your latest creation to Twitter or share on Google+, starting after tomorrow, January 31, 2019 ( I guess that means Feb. 1st), you’re going to have to post your YouTube activity manually or find a new way to do it. [Read more…]

The Circle: Knowing us good; Knowing everything is better

Have you ever wanted to work for a giant tech company, but once you got there you wondered what your really got yourself into?  While at first it can be exciting but what may come of it may change your life and the lives of people all over the world. This is what the new movie,  The Circle, starring Tom Hanks and Emma Watson is all about. Call it The Social Network, the DaVinci Code and more all in one.
It’s based on the 2013 novel of the same name by Dave Eggers.
Check out the Movie Trailer.

Here’s the Synopsis: The Circle is a gripping modern thriller, set in the not-too-distant future, starring Emma Watson (“Harry Potter”), Tom Hanks (“Sully”) and John Boyega (“Star Wars: The Force Awakens”). When Mae (Emma Watson) is hired to work for the world’s largest and most powerful tech & social media company, she sees it as an opportunity of a lifetime. As she rises through the ranks, she is encouraged by the company’s founder, Eamon Bailey (Tom Hanks), to engage in a groundbreaking experiment that pushes the boundaries of privacy, ethics and ultimately her personal freedom. Her participation in the experiment, and every decision she makes begin to affect the lives and future of her friends, family and that of humanity.  It opens in theatres this Friday, April 28th, 2017.

Can’t wait!

Molson and Sportsnet bring 360 VR to NHL Hockey


If you can’t get enough hockey, Molson Canadian and Sportsnet have teamed up to bring fans a more immersive experience by offering for the first time, 360° Virtual Reality (VR) to select Canadian NHL broadcasts. This will give us yet another reason to watch Hockey Night in Canada tonight and for the next five Saturday nights.  Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.

Twitter “virtually” expands 140-character limit

If you’re always compressing your Twitter tweets by shortening words, eliminating others and taking out punctuation to conserve valuable space to insert a picture or poll and still have breathing room, you’ll be happy to know that Twitter is giving you a new way to exceed the 140-character limit.

Now they’ve not actually changed the standard 140-character limit but rather tweaked the rules somewhat so that not everything you include in your tweet counts towards that limit.

Some items that will not count towards the limit include: @names in replies (not new tweets), attaching photos, a video, GIFs, a poll, or Quote Tweet.  Read Full Post at CanoeTech Blog.

How to mute Mr. and Mrs. Tweet-too-Much


Your best friends have taken their first vacation in years and from the moment they left for the airport, they’ve been tweeting a mile-a-minute. You really don’t want to block or unfollow either of them, but with the flood of tweets, you are so tempted, you really are. The good news: Twitter has found a cure for that.

Twitter is just rolling out a new mute feature for its users. Muting doesn’t deep six them or sic the Tweet Police on them, it basically keeps their tweets from showing up on your timeline. It also stops you from getting SMS or push notifications from them.

Your friends are not alerted so no feelings will be hurt. In fact they won’t even know that you’ve muted, or for lack of a better term, silenced them. Also good to avoid embarrassment!

Read more… At Canoe Tech Blog

Is Social Media becoming “Girl” territory?

Woman Social Media

Some interesting statistics are popping up in the U.S. suggesting that women are the true power behind social media, dominating the use of top social media sites like Facebook and visual type social sites like tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram, according to Pew Research and Burst Media and others.


Maintaining cyber security can’t be casual

EDMONTON, AB, Jan. 23, 2013/ Troy Media/ – It is better to be the spider, or at least aware of the spider, than the fly on the worldwide web. Use caution on the internet to avoid being inter-netted and fear, good healthy fear that has been keeping us safe since we first walked upright, is the key.

But despite warnings about vulnerability issues, attitudes still seem to be lax when it comes to online security – even by those that have already been personally victimized.

Siber Systems, Inc., a leading developer of software productivity tools for consumers and businesses and maker of password manager RoboForm, discovered this dangerous behaviour in a wide-ranging study.

Of the over 700 adults surveyed in November and December 2012 in the U.S., and European countries, nearly 30 per cent have had a fraudulent experience with an online account. Of that number over half have had their email hacked; 23 per cent have had a security breach with online shopping and 29 per cent had been affected by a breach in a social media account. Sadly, an alarming number, 79.2 per cent continue to use a site linked to an account that had been compromised. Even more staggering is that 60 per cent of the participants are convinced that online companies are careless with regards to security of customers’ personal information with 57 per cent singling out Facebook as being their least trusted site.

People are not unaware of the problem; they just don’t seem to care. According to Bill Carey, VP of Marketing with Siber Systems, it’s just that there is a huge disconnect between a person’s perception of risk and what they’re willing to do to protect themselves and their valuable information. Just look at the volume of info added to Facebook each day.

In fact, more than half of the respondents (under the age of 45) feel that security is the responsibility of the operator. This seems short sighted if they don’t trust the operator to begin with. Nevertheless, it seems this “totally-not-my-problem” attitude is a major factor in computer users not improving their own personal security practices.

One way of reducing the probability of being compromised can be as simple as proper password practices and use of a password manager. This includes creating passwords that are not easy to guess, having longer passwords that may be harder to crack and different passwords for personal and business use. Even the proverbial “mother’s maiden name” commonly used for years in the banking industry as part of identification verification can easily be found by searching family tree sites or more popular social media sites.

Occasionally, that too, is not enough. Just look at what happened last June when a password file containing 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords were leaked and posted on a Russian hacker site.

And, even when companies do enhance their security, for example by adding two-step login verification, almost a quarter of the survey respondents balked at the idea and 13 per cent indicated that the process was too complicated. On the flip side, 42 per cent indicated they would be more inclined to trust a company with their personal information.

Users can also improve the security of their data by keeping their software updated and current – many companies regularly update or patch their software when vulnerabilities are discovered. The same goes for operating systems like Windows, all iterations, and Mac OS X.

It’s also a smart idea to use anti-virus protection and malware checkers from companies like Kaspersky, Intego and Symantec.

How many times does one need to be victimized before they will actually do anything about it? There’s no guarantee that taking these precautions will prevent a breach, but it should reduce the probability.

Greg Gazin is a Tech Columnist, Small Business and Technology Speaker and Senior Editor at Troy Media. He can be reached at Gadgetguy.CA on Twitter @gadgetgreg or you can find him on Empire Avenue at (e)GADGET1.

This article is FREE to use on your websites or in your publications. However, Troy Media, with a link to its web site, MUST be credited.


TROY MEDIA: Social media “missions” extend reach for social causes

EDMONTON, AB, Nov. 16, 2012/ Troy Media/ – A UK husband-and-wife team, Dom and Domino, known as DES Daughter, is on a crusade to raise awareness of Diethylstilbestrol (DES), a prescribed drug that, while off the market for decades, has had and may still have devastating side effects on third-generation children. Yet it is virtually unknown.

DES was the first synthetic man-made female sex hormone (oestrogen) prescribed for public use, used mainly between 1938 and1971, but in spite of issues discovered as early as 1971 it was still prescribed in some countries through the 1990’s. It was used primarily and marketed aggressively to prevent miscarriage and complications during pregnancy as well as for more than 100 additional medical conditions. In the U.S. alone, it’s estimated that five to 10 million people may have been exposed to the drug.

[Read more…]