Netflix Sharing to Instagram Stories for iOS Now Available

If you’re like most people you likely find it’s just as much fun to share your favourite must-see Netflix titles with family and friends as it is to watch them. Now if you’re an Instagram Stories fanatic (I’m not there yet), you may be interested to know that via the latest version iPhone Netflix app, released just last week now supports Instagram Story sharing.

According to Netflix, to do so simply…

      • Navigate to any title on the iPhone Netflix app and tap share.
      • Select “Instagram Stories” from a list of apps, and be taken directly to Instagram Stories where they can have some fun with the title’s background art and text sticker.
      • When ready, they’re able to post directly to their stories or send directly to one or more friends’ DMs.
      • Friends and followers can click on the link in the Instagram Story to view the title on the Netflix iPhone app.

    The app had previously supported sharing to other platforms like What’s App, Messenger, Twitter and others.

No more YouTube autoshare to Google+ and Twitter after Jan 31st 2019




If you are a regular poster on YouTube and rely on YouTube’s autosharing feature to tweet out your latest creation to Twitter or share on Google+, starting after tomorrow, January 31, 2019 ( I guess that means Feb. 1st), you’re going to have to post your YouTube activity manually or find a new way to do it. [Read more…]