Netflix & Podcasts: Video is Loving the Radio Star


Netflix Podcast: Strong Black Leads – Tracy Clayton(L) interviews Hollywood celeb Jason Weaver

The phrase, “Video Killed the Radio Star” is often cited as a metaphor with respect to the domination of video over audio.  It’s also a song by a British New-Wave band and one-hit wonder, Buggles and the first selection played by MTV 40 years ago this month, August 1, 1981 to be exact, that sparked the birth of the music video revolution.

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Netflix parental controls update a cure for kids’ prying eyes

Kids can stream Netflix from almost anywhere (Photo: Netflix)

Timely solution for families at home on lockdown

With many people at home on lockdown there’s probably a whole lot more Netflix binging going on. For some, it may not be a bad thing. It’s finally giving folks a guilt-free opportunity to finally binge on Ozark Series 3 or catch-up on that most talked about, love-it or hate-it new series, Tiger King.

For parents it creates issues around managing TV time.

While Mom and Dad are working from home, the kids could be catching the latest episodes of Boss Baby. They could also learn life lessons from Mr. Miyagi from the classic Karate Kid but you may not be so inclined to let them feast their eyes on the provocative true-crime docuseries and the story of the mayhem and madness surrounding Joe Exotic and his tigers. 

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How to turn off Netflix Autoplay previews

Netflix, loved by many, has become a national past time and has undoubtedly created a satiable desire for binge watching. So if you have become increasingly annoyed by auto-play previews wasting even one precious second of watch time, you’ll be thrilled to know that you now have an opt-out feature you can access directly for the web.

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Netflix Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Freshly Brewed for 2019

Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Season 11: Freshly Brewed – Eddie Murphy

Get your dose of Seinfeld’s Classic Cars and Comedy– Season 11 streaming July 19th.

If you still can’t get enough of Jerry Seinfeld and you love classic cars, you’ll be happy to hear that his comedic on-the-road talkshow Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is new and freshly brewed for 2019 and will be back this month on Netflix for Season 11.

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5 Great Gadget Gift Ideas for Father’s Day 2019

It’s that time of the year where you think about finding just the right gift for Dad, and with so many choices it’s sometimes hard to know where to start. So here are a few tech-inspired gift ideas for that special guy.

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Netflix Sharing to Instagram Stories for iOS Now Available

If you’re like most people you likely find it’s just as much fun to share your favourite must-see Netflix titles with family and friends as it is to watch them. Now if you’re an Instagram Stories fanatic (I’m not there yet), you may be interested to know that via the latest version iPhone Netflix app, released just last week now supports Instagram Story sharing.

According to Netflix, to do so simply…

      • Navigate to any title on the iPhone Netflix app and tap share.
      • Select “Instagram Stories” from a list of apps, and be taken directly to Instagram Stories where they can have some fun with the title’s background art and text sticker.
      • When ready, they’re able to post directly to their stories or send directly to one or more friends’ DMs.
      • Friends and followers can click on the link in the Instagram Story to view the title on the Netflix iPhone app.

    The app had previously supported sharing to other platforms like What’s App, Messenger, Twitter and others.

Netflix Interactive: Black Mirror: Bandersnatch – behind the scenes

Black Mirror is a British Sci-Fi TV series you can catch on Netflix. It’s offered in anthology style (4 seasons) and seems quite reminiscent of one of my all-time faves – The Twilight Zone. The latest offering is a standalone film, created by Charlie Brooker ( series creator)  and directed by David Slade released the last week of December 2018.
What makes it different is that this psychological feature is interactive where you choose which way the character goes and thus affect the ending.

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Will House of Cards be the same? Final season coming up Nov 2

How many of you binge watched House of Cards? I know I did – more or less over a week or two. Frank Underwood seemed to be the guy everyone loved to hate. Of course with all the allegations against Kevin Spacey it was inevitable that he would not be in the upcoming season of House of Cards. In fact some probably wondered if the series would continue – but apparently it is for one more go around. The final season is out on Netflix November 2.

At the end of the last season, it was obvious that Claire was vying for the top job – but now knowing that Frank won’t be in the picture and Claire’s rise seems somewhat inevitable – will the series be the same?  Will the show be the same without Underwood’s character?

Well I guess it remains to be seen. Netflix offered up a little teaser showing Claire at Frank’s grave – so it seems that some reigns are already known.

Here’s the official sneak peek trailer:

Canadian Netflix watchers top world in Binge Racing

What Is Binge Racing Infographic_STILL









When House of Cards made its debut on Netflix, I watched Season 1 in its entirety in less than a week. I thought that was pretty fab, but I guess that’s nothing compared to today’s Bingers who are ripping through every single episode of a season in a day. In fact, the new trend amongst the over eight million “super fans” around the world, primarily to get bragging rights is called Binge Racing with Canada clocking in with the world’s top marks. [Read more…]

Netflix Canada being created with $500M for Canadian content creation


As a Canadian, if you enjoy Netflix’s original programming, then you might be really happy to hear that Minister of Canadian Heritage and Netflix have announced an agreement that will see Netflix investing at least half a billion (Canadian) dollars in original Canadian productions over the next five years and part of that agreement will include creating a new entity. [Read more…]