I recently had an opportunity to interview John Bowe whom I recently met through the 2020 Toastmasters International Virtual Convention. A few weeks ago, my co-host Ryan Levesque and I interviewed John for the Toastmasters Podcast. Subsequently I came across and article he had written for CNBC that resonated with me, so I thought, why not chat with John again about this relevant topic for my ToastCaster Podcast.
You can find both the narrative and the podcast below:
About this ToastCaster Podcast Episode
[22:05] The Internet is full of experts doling out advice at what not to do during a virtual presentation or interview – job or otherwise. In the episode, Greg speaks with John Bowe about his recent CNBC article, “4 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Next Virtual Job Interview — Advice From Zoom’s Head Recruiter,” where he had a unique opportunity to interview Zoom’s Phil Hayes – a guy who, of course, would really know.
John tells us about how the article came about and shares some of the wisdom he learned from Hayes including practical do’s and don’t tips for virtual job interviews. It’s quite timely as many more interactions than ever are being done virtually and over Zoom. He also shares some of his own thoughts on this topic of which he is well versed.
The beauty of these tips and techniques is that they can also apply everywhere – like to businesses and for those for example who may be pitching product or services or even interviewing suppliers.
Have you wondered if virtual interviews better than live ones? Are companies getting better candidates, a better picture of the situation or is the lack of being there, creating more of a challenge? Listen carefully to find out – and more! You just may be surprised at what you hear particularly at some of the reactions recruiters have and what they are actually thinking especially when during the interview, the unexpected happens.
John Bowe is a speech trainer, award-winning journalist, and author of “I Have Something to Say: Mastering the Art of Public Speaking in an Age of Disconnection.” He’s contributed to The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, GQ, This American Life and more. He was Educational Presenter at the 2020 Toastmasters International Convention and we interviewed him in a recent Toastmasters Podcast entitled Aristotle was a Toastmaster. John lives in New York City and can reached via JohnFBowe.com.
You may also want to check out: Toastcaster 113 Top 3 Pro Tips for a Virtual Stage & Presenting On-Line
Greg Gazin, also known as the Gadget Guy and Gadget Greg, is a syndicated veteran tech columnist, communication, leadership and technology speaker, facilitator at Crestcom International, blogger, podcaster and author. Reach him @gadgetgreg or at GadgetGuy.ca.
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