While I may sound old-school, but when it comes to improving our public speaking and literally any form of communication, there’s really nothing like doing it face to face. For me, as those who know me know, I credit the Toastmasters program and those weekly in-person meetings for truly helping to make a difference. Meetings over Zoom has also been helpful for when those face-to-face meetings were not possible. But with technology having come along way, there’s a new kid on the block that can help add value to all of the above. It’s called Yoodli: Your AI Public Speaking Coach. And in a recent podcast episode, I was able to sit down and speak with Yoodli co-founder Varun Puri.
[Read more…]Celebrating Milestones Forward Can Yield Amazing Results
Milestones – whether business, community or personal are achieved and celebrated all the time. They’re also recognized in a variety of different ways. However, if you really look at many of these celebrations, I thought, they’re often backward looking – i.e., going back to where things started to where they are now.
Then, I had an epiphany. What if you commemorated by purposefully celebrating forward? What if you used that milestone as a way of encouraging a future activity?
[Read more…]Virtual Interview Mistakes to Avoid He Learned Interviewing Zoom’s Head Recruiter – John Bowe
I recently had an opportunity to interview John Bowe whom I recently met through the 2020 Toastmasters International Virtual Convention. A few weeks ago, my co-host Ryan Levesque and I interviewed John for the Toastmasters Podcast. Subsequently I came across and article he had written for CNBC that resonated with me, so I thought, why not chat with John again about this relevant topic for my ToastCaster Podcast.
You can find both the narrative and the podcast below:
[Read more…]Mastering your virtual meeting presence
Top 3 pro tips for upping your game
The right stage presence can make or break any performance regardless of whatever words may be coming out of your mouth. But as the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the world into lockdown moving our world on-line, many new “off-stage” rules apply, particularly in the widely accepted world of Zoom or maybe Microsoft Teams and the latest Google Meet.
[Read more…]Toastmasters Accredited Speaker (AS) Related Podcasts
“The Accredited Speaker Program recognizes those Toastmasters members who have achieved a level of proficiency that enables them to be paid, professional speakers. Being an Accredited Speaker gives you a competitive edge and sets you apart from other professional speakers. That’s because your talent and ability have been recognized by Toastmasters International, a world leader in communication and leadership development. (Courtesy Bob-Hooey)
AS Related Podcasts
Accredited Speaker related podcasts amongst many others can be found at:
ToastCaster Podcast– Toastcaster.com and
The Official Toastmasters Podcast – ToastmastersPodcast.com.
If you’re interested in listening to AS related podcasts specifically, you can download a PDF containing a list of 9 episodes with episode numbers and a brief description.
[Read more…]3I-Racer Technique for More Engaging Storytelling – Jock Mackenzie
It’s not often we get a school teacher or principal on the show but there are things we might have learned back in the day perhaps we’ve forgotten or can still learn and add our skills repertoire.
ToastCaster Podcast 103: Is Leadership for Me? – Mohammed Murad
It’s hard to watch the news without hearing about leadership in some form or another. Whether it’s in politics, business or even in the non-profit area, just to name a few. In the latest ToastCaster Podcast, Episode 103, we take a page from a well recognized leader – Mohammed Murad.
Murad believes that at every step of your life at one time or another, we need to ask ourselves, the thought provoking question, “Is leadership for me?” [Read more…]
Presentation Too Long? Build it Like LEGO – Toastcaster 95
It seems it’s always easier to make speeches and presentation longer but to actually get them to be just the right length takes more than just podcast.
In this podcast, Greg speaks with Freddi Dogterom DTM, AS from Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada who offers up some serious lessons on crafting your speech or presentation. She also shares insights and practical takeaways on the perils, pain and passion of editing, in particular when timing is of the essence – one way, building your speech like LEGO.