Milestones – whether business, community or personal are achieved and celebrated all the time. They’re also recognized in a variety of different ways. However, if you really look at many of these celebrations, I thought, they’re often backward looking – i.e., going back to where things started to where they are now.
Then, I had an epiphany. What if you commemorated by purposefully celebrating forward? What if you used that milestone as a way of encouraging a future activity?
This was the case with Toastmasters Podcast as it approached its 200th milestone. To commemorate or celebrate the occasion, instead of looking back at the first 200 episodes as would be expected, we, the hosts Greg Gazin and Ryan Levesque, decided to create a contest, specifically, a Pitch Us Your Podcast Idea! contest.
The idea would be to create more buzz around podcasting and encourage members to give it a try. Members could submit their most creative idea – a pitch and an audio sample and they did not have to have an existing podcast. The winner would be announced and the grand prize, besides some really cool bragging rights would to be a guest on Episode #200 where they could introduce themselves to the world and pitch their idea us.
We had quite a number of entries from many different countries from around the world on a wide array of subjects covering a wide array of topics. It was certainly a challenge to review all the entries.
However, when the dust settled, we had a contest winner. It was Rashmi Ketha from Ledgewood NJ, USA with her idea called, “The Experience Passport,” where she came up with the idea of Personal Development through hobby sampling. Incredible idea!
Toastmasters Podcast

You can catch the 200th episode – shown right at, and Apple & Google Podcasts.
Also, if you want to find out a little more about the Toastmasters Podcast and its hosts, please check out: Tune In to The Toastmasters Podcast, in the March 2022 on-line issue of the Toastmaster Magazine.
ToastCaster Communication Leadership Learning Lab
You can also listen below to ToastCaster #158 Celebrating Milestones Forward Can Yield Amazing Results or catch it and other episodes at
Syndicated editions of many of Greg’s articles appears at Troy Media and 32 affiliated syndicated sites. Podcasts also appear at either or Toastmasters
Greg Gazin, also known as the Gadget Guy and Gadget Greg, is a syndicated veteran tech columnist, communication, leadership and technology speaker, facilitator, blogger, podcaster and author. Reach him @gadgetgreg or at
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