In the past, I would have never considered yoga. The way it was typically portrayed gave me the impression of slim women contorting themselves into difficult poses. However, my perspective has completely changed. I now believe that yoga is truly inclusive and beneficial for everyone. In fact, I’ve incorporated a weekly yoga practice into his life, and it has had a profound impact on my overall well-being. [PODCAST BELOW]
[Read more…]How AI Can Help the Future You – “Live Longer & Prosper”
Podcast: Think of AI (Artificial Intelligence), particularly health care and your brain might conjure up The Doctor – the Emergency Medical Hologram from Star Trek Voyager. But AI in healthcare is here, it’s real and it’s already disrupting healthcare and changing the ways in which we can – in the words of Mr. Spock, “Live Long and Prosper.”
[Read more…]Celebrating Milestones Forward Can Yield Amazing Results
Milestones – whether business, community or personal are achieved and celebrated all the time. They’re also recognized in a variety of different ways. However, if you really look at many of these celebrations, I thought, they’re often backward looking – i.e., going back to where things started to where they are now.
Then, I had an epiphany. What if you commemorated by purposefully celebrating forward? What if you used that milestone as a way of encouraging a future activity?
[Read more…]Making Freaking Meetings Fun & Productive – Podcast
Many people avoid meetings at all costs – they feel they’re unproductive, a waste of time and simply a bandaid for bad communication in an organization. In this episode Greg speaks with return guest Matt Abrahams, educator and coach whose extensive exploration, research and experience has led him to discover a collaborative approach to keep meetings fun and exciting. More importantly they be can productive in achieving the goals of the organization and add value to the teams. And you might even be thanked for running a meeting.
[Read more…]Virtual Interview Mistakes to Avoid He Learned Interviewing Zoom’s Head Recruiter – John Bowe

I recently had an opportunity to interview John Bowe whom I recently met through the 2020 Toastmasters International Virtual Convention. A few weeks ago, my co-host Ryan Levesque and I interviewed John for the Toastmasters Podcast. Subsequently I came across and article he had written for CNBC that resonated with me, so I thought, why not chat with John again about this relevant topic for my ToastCaster Podcast.
You can find both the narrative and the podcast below:
[Read more…]Toastmasters Accredited Speaker (AS) Related Podcasts

“The Accredited Speaker Program recognizes those Toastmasters members who have achieved a level of proficiency that enables them to be paid, professional speakers. Being an Accredited Speaker gives you a competitive edge and sets you apart from other professional speakers. That’s because your talent and ability have been recognized by Toastmasters International, a world leader in communication and leadership development. (Courtesy Bob-Hooey)
AS Related Podcasts
Accredited Speaker related podcasts amongst many others can be found at:
ToastCaster Podcast– and
The Official Toastmasters Podcast –
If you’re interested in listening to AS related podcasts specifically, you can download a PDF containing a list of 9 episodes with episode numbers and a brief description.
[Read more…]Why Leaders and Book Lovers need a Kindle Paperwhite – Podcast
Toastcaster 110: Why Leaders and Book Lovers need a Kindle Paperwhite – Podcast
[10:21] I learned many years ago that to be a great writer, you must also be an avid reader. I’ve continued to take that sage advice and always make sure I have a book, a magazine or something to read in tow. [Read more…]
How to avoid an onstage meltdown – Hollywood Style
Four tips to ensuring your speech or presentation doesn’t end in disaster
Stuff happens. But when it does, especially to a high-profile individual at a major event, you can bet the whole world will know about it seconds after it happens.
Read more below and listen to Podcast [Read more…]