Go-Taxi app allows you to quickly, safely and easily catch a cab

The Go Taxi app was developed by Edmonton, AB-based Tim TuxworthThe Edmonton, Alberta Go-Taxi app is currently available inHong Kong, Jersey Shore, Chicago, Tampa Bay, Florida and North Carolina

EDMONTON, AB, Sep 30, 2013/ Troy Media/ – When two Boston women, in two separate incidents, each hailed what they thought was a cab, the last thing they expected to happen was to be assaulted by the drivers. While reports so far indicate police are saying these incidents of “fake” cabs are unrelated, it begs the question: how safe is it to hail a cab?

The best way to ensure safety is to use a licensed cab company. While regulations vary by municipality, the cab, or taxi industry is generally highly regulated, and drivers are vetted, including criminal record checks, licensed, bonded and required to adhere to codes of conduct.

Even so, you need to ensure the actual cab is legit. In Boston for example, all licensed cabs, historically called Hackney Carriages, are approved by the Police Commissioner and have its identification medallion on the rear trunk. There are also other identifying decals specifically placed on the rear passenger door window and on the Plexiglas partition between driver and customer. The driver will also have his Hackney license displayed.  READ MORE AT TROY MEDIA

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