iStabilizer smartMount better 2nd time around

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To satisfy the Selfie generation, last year iStabilizer released their smartMount smartphone tripod adapter. It was available either as a standalone item or as part of their monopod or flexible smartphone tripod products. While the design seemed quite clever at the time, in practice, depending on your phone it would often, quite frankly, miss the mark. Plus, it wasn’t wide enough to accommodate the iPhone 6. So iStabilizer went back to the drawing board, redesigned it and this time they hit the target.

The original adapter (below) looked pretty cool. It was spring-loaded to allow for any phone up to 2.75 inches in width and a separate model; the XL would accommodate the iPhone 6 and other phones up to 3.5 inches in width. The top portion had a metal wire frame with a rubber insert that could easily fall out and get lost. The bottom grip had a rest adorned with rubberized foam to keep the phone in place.  Read more…at CanoeTech Blog

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