Review: Seidio Tetra bumper for iPhone 6

1 Tetra Pic GoldI’m simply amazed how many people carry around a thousand dollar smartphone like the Apple iPhone 6 Plus in their back pocket without any sort of protection. For some, it might be a case of just never getting around to it; others might prefer to show off their fine gadget’s natural beauty and some may simply hate any extra bulkiness an add-on accessory might bring.

But frankly, everyone needs some sort of protection. If that’s the case – pardon the pun, then the Seidio TETRA might just be the solution – a two-part system comprised of an inner gasket and an outer metal frame. It’s not an actual case, but rather a bumper that fits around the perimeter of your smartphone offering protection, for the most part, from many of those angled drops.   READ FULL review at G4TV Canada

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