Phiaton BT-110 funky square bluetooth earbuds

bt110-manEvery time I come across a new set of earbuds or headphones I always hear from the vendors that theirs are a little bit different. Taking the opportunity to test drive the new Phiaton BT-110 wireless compact  sport Bluetooth earbuds, I have to admit that these do fit that description.

First of all, looking at them, they seem to be something you’d find as an implant on an episode of Star Trek. Rather than the typical round bodies you find on most earbuds, these are actually rectangular so they sort of cover part of your ear.

To make sure you have a good fit, you get three sets of Vulcan-style silicon ear wings, featuring their aptly named RightFit+ technology and four sizes of traditional silicon tips. Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.


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