Review: iRig BlueTurn wirelessly turns your page


Accessing your computer or mobile device while on stage for artists or presenters can often be a pain. This is especially true if your hands are full and all you want to do is turn a page on your sheet music, change a setlist or move through a presentation. This is where the new iRig BlueTurn comes in. It’s a compact wireless page turning gadget that utilizes your foot rather than your hand.

Created by IK Multimedia and made in Italy, iRig BlueTurn is a simple yet clever little BlueTooth enabled box. It’s designed to sit on the floor with two soft touch illuminated buttons positioned side-by-side to execute commands from one of three preset modes: Arrow up/down, Page up/down or Arrow left/right that you can configure upon power-up. In some apps, receiving these commands may allow control of other functions such as scrolling and start/stop functionality in certain modes depending on how the app interprets the standardized commands. Read Greg Gazin’s Full Review at CanoeTech Blog.

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