Review: Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal canister vacuum never stays down


I have to admit it’s been a while since I reviewed or regularly used a traditional canister vacuum. However, I can remember eons ago, not so fondly mind you, how often the darned thing tipped over and the hose became twisted and tangled. I had no choice but to stop, put it up right and untangle myself. So it piqued my curiosity when I heard that Dyson had developed a new Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal vacuum which they said self-rights itself when toppled.

Remember the Weebles?

I have to admit, at first, I had an immediate flashback to the 70s. The TV commercial forever ingrained in my brain and the slogan, “Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down.” Anyone old enough to remember? If not, I’m sure it’s on YouTube.

Apparently, I’m told, the team at Dyson had the same experience when founder James Dyson really put his engineering team to task to come up with a solution for the toppling canister.  Read more…Full review at CanoeTech Blog.

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