SKG F5 Percussion Massager Gun drums a beat of pain relief

While most of us hate to admit it, something we all likely have in common are the little aches and pains in our muscles and joints we seem to live with. Maybe it’s a sign of getting on in years or perhaps it’s a nagging injury that never quite seems to heal. For those days where we need a little massage or pain relief therapy perhaps the SKG F5 Mini Body Percussion Massager Gun is the answer.

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Protecting you from your phone and yourself

There’s no doubt we’re all trying to be better informed and protect ourselves and loved ones by reducing exposure to the COVID-19 virus and its variants. We’re social distancing, wearing masks and constantly sanitizing and washing our hands, but how many of us think about our smartphone, as a major source of threat to our health? 

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Cubii Jr. – Easy quiet workout anywhere anytime while you sit

Regardless of your age, abilities or lifestyle, you can benefit from a low-cardio seated elliptical workout

It’s always a smart health-conscious choice to inject a little more physical activity into our lives, regardless as to where we may be on our fitness journey, but we sometimes lack the time or energy or have limited ability to get out for that much needed workout. The good news is the solution, Cubii Jr., can be sitting literally right under your feet.

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Easily add quality audio to your smartphone videos

Travelling is cumbersome at the best of times and with luggage costs rising, people want to travel lighter and are leaving their bulky video cameras at home. And with smartphones like the Apple iPhone X with Google Pixel capable of shooting 4K or ultra HD video, capturing video has never been easier.

It’s hard to dispute the quality of the image but the accompanying audio often suffers. While there’s a microphone on every phone, there’s often too much distance between you and what you’re recording, so ambient noise is also picked up. [Read more…]

Weego Jump Starter 44 powers you wherever you go

Smartphones, tablets, computers & even our vehicles need a boost sometimes – Weego Jump Starter 44 offers a handy solution

No matter where our travels take us, we never seem to have enough battery power to keep things charged up. Smartphones, tablets, computers and even our vehicles need a boost sometimes.

The Weego Jump Starter 44 offers a handy solution.

The Weego 44 is powerful, putting out 400 true cranking amps – the power the battery can deliver for 30 seconds at 0ºC. It’s more than enough to jump-start your car, truck, boat, ATV or motorcycle – anything with a gas engines up to seven litres and diesel engines up to 3.5 litres with 12-volt lead-acid batteries.  Read more below.

[Article also available at Troy Media and Active-Life Magazine.] [Read more…]

Save money, avoid outrageous phone bills when travelling abroad

New CRTC rules mean Canadian providers must now unlock your phone, making it easier to use a different SIM card.

For many people, smartphones have become 24/7 appendages. However, worried about outrageous phone, data and roaming fees, many people reach for the off switch when travelling.

This is particularly true when going out of country or overseas. No one wants to return home to massive cellphone bills.

But rules and regulations are starting to change, and there are now more affordable choices for consumers. (Click More to read here. Or read it at Troy Media.) [Read more…]

Maximus Craftsman: Full-service home security in a smart light fixture

Maximus Craftsman Smart Security Light is as easy to install as an ordinary light fixture – 
but it’s anything but ordinary

It’s always comforting to know that your home and its contents are well protected, whether you’re on holidays or hunkered down for the evening with a good movie and a bowl of popcorn.

You may have motion sensor lights, cameras and an intercom. But if you don’t remember to turn them on or to set the timer, they’re not doing much good.

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