New faster on-board Wi-Fi available for purchase on Air Canada

It seems we expect free Wi-Fi just about everywhere on the ground but when it comes to connecting on a plane 30,000 feet in the air, options for the longest time have been somewhat non-extent. While it’s not free, Air Canada you can now stream your favourite content like you would at home with their new top-of-the-line as they call it satellite Wi-Fi technology. [Read more…]

Review: TP-Link Archer Wireless C5400 Tri-Band router


You can never get enough bandwidth or speed out of your Wi-Fi and chances are that the stock unit that came from your service provider likely does the job, but barely, so we’re going to have a look at the TP-Link Archer Wireless C5400 Tri-Band Gigabit Router (AC5400) that doesn’t have one or two bands, but three. [Read more…]

Is your microwave a Netflix killer?

MicrowaveThere’s nothing more frustrating than when the family is watching the last episode of House Of Cards Season 3 after binge-watching all day when your son decides to make microwave popcorn. And all of a sudden, the video gets choppy, Netflix starts buffering and rebuffering. It’s not a catastrophe as it eventually resets and comes back but still it can certainly kill the moment and the watching experience. It makes you wonder what does the microwave have to do with your TV?

[Read more…]

Mac OS Lion little known Wi-Fi diagnostic tool

WIFIDiagsWelcomeEver wonder how good your Wi-Fi signal really is? You can look at the signal strength indicator on the top right-hand side of your Mac’s display on the top section of your iPad iPhone or iPod touch, but to those bars really tell the whole story? Well I’m sure you’re not surprised, there’s an application for that–at least for the Mac.