First Android triple driver earphones with 3-button mic support

Triple driver three-button models are not the most common when it comes to earphones and really non-existent for Android users – until now. Degauss Labs, a manufacturer based in Stockholm Sweden has just introduced HOWL, a pair of handmade hybrid in-ear monitors to fill that void.

HOWL incorporates three individual drivers into each earbud allowing for the proper separation of low, midrange and high frequencies.

Dynamic Driver & Balanced Armatures

To optimize the sound and get the best possible results, the company has combined their own Degauss Dynamic driver with two Balanced Armature drivers to allow a three-way crossover to complete the triple play.  Read more…at Canoe Tech Blog.

Belkin Declares Earbud Freedom for 3rd Gen iPod Shuffle

One of the greatest features of Apple’s 3rd generation iPod Shuffle, is for some, also one of its biggest drawbacks. There is no doubt; it’s a great piece of industrial design.  It’s slim, sleek and not much bigger than an AA battery whose uniqueness stems from the fact that it has no controls- buttons, dials or knobs on the surface of the unit itself.  Its practical design was such that you could access all of the unit’s functionality from the ease and convenience of the earbuds themselves with all the control features built into the lanyard.

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