Apple Southgate Edmonton finally opens

People lined up for 8 hours at Edmonton’s Southgate Centre for the opening of Apple’s  15th Canadian and Edmonton’s 2nd store which coincided with the official launch of the much anticipated iPad.  READ MORE

Apple’s 2nd Store Opens May 28th In Edmonton


Apple Store Edmonton Southgate

Looks like May 28th is the day  Apple opens its 2nd retail store in Edmonton, Alberta.

It’s located at Southgate Centre at 111ST and 51 Ave

There’s a special door-open time for that day only of 8:00AM – just in time for the unveiling of the new iPad. The first 1000 visitors will get a free Apple T-Shirt.

There are currently 14 Apple retail stores in Canada, 5 in and around the Toronto Area, 3 in and around the Greater Montreal Area, 2 in Vancouver, 1 each in Ottawa, Winnipeg and Calgary and of course Edmonton.

Pik’s Revenge! A Miner Detail

20100302 Pik 01How would you feel if one day you were just working your everyday day job and out of the blue, your planet is pummeled on by series of explosions?

For Pik a humble miner from Dustbucket-5– a mind-your-own- business kinda guy, this is more than just a bad day. He survives the weapons of mass destruction (hmm that sounds familiar), but his life has now been thrown into turmoil…. READ  Full REVIEW at G4TV Canada EAVB_ROXQWLMIKE

Virtual Reality Trains Next Generation Workers

Published in the June edition of The Edmontonians

By Greg Gazin
Troy Media Corporation
Terry Smith & Kevin McNulty
EDMONTON, AB, July 1, 2009/Troy Media/ — It was six years ago, over a jug, or two, of Alexander Keith’s Ale, that business partners Terry Smith and Kevin McNulty started discussing the abysmal state of training in the resources industry.

“These injuries can’t continue,” Smith said. McNulty, a safety consultant in the oil and gas sector who had spent much of his working life in the mining industry, added that the problems went beyond injuries. He was referring to the 1992 Westray Coal Mine disaster in Plymouth, Nova Scotia which resulted in the deaths of 26 miners. MORE

Gazin’s Screenplay for Mike and Lenny Episode 3

Blogcamp Contest Entry

Mike:  Lenny, It’s 5AM I’m not sure how much more I can take of this. I’m just going to shut my eyes for a few minutes.

Mike slowly closes his eyes still hearing Lenny yammering on and dozes off..

Who have you selected as your project manager? A voice is heard from a far.
Who have you selected as your project manager? The voice gets louder.

Mike: Ah – Ah, who is it?

Voice: What’s going on – Michael?

Mike: Who is this?

Voice: TRUMP! Lenny Trump! Do you want to be the next Apprentice?

Mike: Apprentice? I’ve got finals later today?

Trump: Finals? Yes, finals. Well there are two of you left. We need a business plan by 2 pm this afternoon.

Mike is in a drowsy state

Trump: You know what a project manager does, don’t you?

Mike: Of course, a Project Manager is like a jack-of-all-trades and oversees the successful planning implementation and execution of a project.

Trump: Ok. Now, name 3  of the many things a project manager can do?

Mike: Define the Scope, Develop a Budget, Create a Schedule and Manage Risks

Lenny Trump:  That was 4, I asked for 3.

Mike: Sorry Mr. Trump

Trump: No! Worries young master – like money, more is always better. And I like money – and beautiful women.

Mike: Thank You Mr. Trump.

Trump: So what’s my favourite band?

Mike: Ah!

Mike thinks quickly. It’s all coming back to him he’s a Gmac mac

Mike: Bachman-Turner Overdrive?

Trump: Very Impressive, How did you Guess?

Mike: Takin’ Care of Business – Sir?

Trump: Well Done! You must have had great teachers.

Mike: Sure Did!

Trump: One last question.  What are the 6Ps of Marketing?

Mike:  6? I thought there were 4?

Trump: Greg Gazin at says there are 6.

Mike:  OK. Price, Product, Place and Promotion and..ppppp  I don’t know – Am I Fired? Am I Mr. Trump?

Trump: Well son, you remind me of me when I was a lad – well except for the hair.  You need a bit of work. I’ll give you a hint.

“What you need with Lenny and what you continually have”

Mike:  Arguments and more arguments?

Trump:  Think – Mike! Think MacEwan!

Mike thinks, surprisingly he’s cool calm and collected, grabs his computer and looks up the quote. Mike then reads the quote.

Mike:  “The 4Ps that make up the Marketing Mix should be 6. They forgot Patience and Persistence”

Trump: Congratulations Mike – You’re Hired ! Lenny… You’re Fired!
