One step at a time: a simple solution to a better life

Create visions and not resolutions to take control of your life

Why don’t resolutions work?

Eighty per cent of all New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February, according to U.S. News and World Report. Only eight per cent of us actually follow through, according to Forbes. In fact, just over 50 per cent of us don’t even bother with New Year’s resolutions.

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Toastcaster 90 Leadership of Your Life: Create Visions Not Resolutions

[10:49] For whatever reason, over 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail within the 1st two weeks of February. Perhaps we’re going about this all wrong.  In this episode your host Greg Gazin shares a personal journey that shows perhaps why we might be more successful if we create visions rather that resolutions.

Listen to the podcast below. You can also read the companion article One step at a time: a simple solution to a better life on this site and at Troy Media.