Great Clips App adds SIRI Shortcuts Integration & Haircut Reminder

How many times have you said to yourself, “Oh I forgot to get my hair cut,” or “I should have made an appointment with my stylist.” Well if you’re an iPhone or iOS user and a Great Clips customer, you’ll be happy to know there are two new updates and few new features to the Great Clips App  to help easily remind you so you can look your best when you need to. Android users aren’t totally left out, there’s one update for you.

The company announced the first update includes an integration with latest Apple’s iOS 12 mobile operating system which includes the newly introduced ‘Siri Shortcuts’.  With this update, and Apple’s latest update, customers can save themselves a whole lot of time by using Siri to initiate checking in to their usual salon location. They will also receive updated wait time estimates after then check in. Just saying, “Siri, check me into my favourite salon,” online check-in will open the Great Clips App to the customer’s previously selected ‘favourite’ salon. To set a shortcut, customers with the Great Clips App can go to the Settings within their device, select “Siri & Search” and then “All Shortcuts”. [Read more…]

Will House of Cards be the same? Final season coming up Nov 2

How many of you binge watched House of Cards? I know I did – more or less over a week or two. Frank Underwood seemed to be the guy everyone loved to hate. Of course with all the allegations against Kevin Spacey it was inevitable that he would not be in the upcoming season of House of Cards. In fact some probably wondered if the series would continue – but apparently it is for one more go around. The final season is out on Netflix November 2.

At the end of the last season, it was obvious that Claire was vying for the top job – but now knowing that Frank won’t be in the picture and Claire’s rise seems somewhat inevitable – will the series be the same?  Will the show be the same without Underwood’s character?

Well I guess it remains to be seen. Netflix offered up a little teaser showing Claire at Frank’s grave – so it seems that some reigns are already known.

Here’s the official sneak peek trailer:

Accessible packaging makes life easier for gamers with disabilities

It’s always great to hear when a new accessible product hits the market giving greater opportunities to those who perhaps have limited mobility. However, what’s often forgotten is the packaging. The product arrives at the doorstep but might be unusable to some until someone can help them get it out of the package. Microsoft realized this and recently unveiled accessible packaging appropriate for the new and upcoming Xbox Adaptive Controller. – Gaming device designed to accommodate gamers with mobility challenges. [Read more…]

Memory Techniques to Remember Just About Anything – Kevin Achtzener

Ever wish you can remember a name, a face a phone number? We’re so busy and bombarded with information that it’s sometimes so hard to remember even the simplest things let alone details.

In my latest podcast, I speaks with regular Kevin Achtzener, DTM, a self-proclaimed Future Memory Expert who shares techniques for better recall.

Kevin’s obsession for remembering things and these techniques have helped him not only memorize a shuffled deck of cards in five minutes but also creative methods to recall large numbers – like part numbers and serial numbers to names and words. What might surprise you is some of his techniques involve using pictures, humor and even cartoon characters.

Have a listen and enjoy.

Save money, avoid outrageous phone bills when travelling abroad

New CRTC rules mean Canadian providers must now unlock your phone, making it easier to use a different SIM card.

For many people, smartphones have become 24/7 appendages. However, worried about outrageous phone, data and roaming fees, many people reach for the off switch when travelling.

This is particularly true when going out of country or overseas. No one wants to return home to massive cellphone bills.

But rules and regulations are starting to change, and there are now more affordable choices for consumers. (Click More to read here. Or read it at Troy Media.) [Read more…]

One step at a time: a simple solution to a better life

Create visions and not resolutions to take control of your life

Why don’t resolutions work?

Eighty per cent of all New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February, according to U.S. News and World Report. Only eight per cent of us actually follow through, according to Forbes. In fact, just over 50 per cent of us don’t even bother with New Year’s resolutions.

[Read more…]

Toastcaster 90 Leadership of Your Life: Create Visions Not Resolutions

[10:49] For whatever reason, over 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail within the 1st two weeks of February. Perhaps we’re going about this all wrong.  In this episode your host Greg Gazin shares a personal journey that shows perhaps why we might be more successful if we create visions rather that resolutions.

Listen to the podcast below. You can also read the companion article One step at a time: a simple solution to a better life on this site and at Troy Media.

Experience Montreal’s MMFA REVOLUTION 60s exhibit through immersive audio

Many museums have exhibitions that take you back hundreds and thousands of years. Wouldn’t it be cool to take a trip back to the late 1960s, times of great change and social upheaval that molded where we are today and see the sights and hear the sounds of that period? Now imagine them both combined through a curated exhibition with a personal immersive audio experience.  That’s what the Revolution Exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) is all about.

[Read more…]